As concrete dries, water vapor from the original concrete mixture exits the slab, creating small capillary networks. These pathways remain open until properly sealed, and can be the path of least resistance when water pressure builds up against a concrete contact point. While newer high-strength concretes can resist higher levels of pressure than older mixtures, they still can be susceptible if cracks form or hydrostatic pressure builds high enough.
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Ultimately, if hydrostatic pressure is the culprit, the only way to correct it is to eliminate the pressure of standing water, a significant undertaking in any situation. However, accurate and comprehensive moisture testing and site evaluation can indicate the true source of concrete moisture intrusion to ensure proper and lasting remedies.
Hello. I have a basement floor that water comes up through where they are cracks. Basement had a drainage tile put in around the outer walls. Holes drill into the blocks and sump system installed. My question is. How is water still able to come up from the floor if the pressure was taken off by the tile and sump. The floor was poured right on the mud. No nothing between the two. Way to many years of water coming up that way is still easier for it do so? Then go through the mud to the tile? Thanks
The Legion later fought in the Battle of Felucia to reinforce the 327th Star Corps, where many of the 501st found the conditions of the fungal planet and its hostile inhabitants to be hellish. A few months into the battle, members of the 501st had begun to crack under pressure and began to fall victim to both flesh eating diseases and the hostile wild life, believing that their superiors on Coruscant had abandoned them on the unforgiving world. What kept the Legion fighting strong was their Jedi Commander, Aayla Secura, who's iron will against the Separatist forces kept the 501st in high spirits. At some point during the battle, the Legion's forward unit was attacked by unknown creatures and communications from them ceased. A second unit of the 501st was sent in to give them fire support, although by the time they got there, the forward unit had already been massacred and their AT-TE was rendered inoperable. The second unit soon came under attack by a pack of wild Acklays, but were ultimately able to defeat them. Upon driving off the wild Acklays, Command ordered them to hold out against incoming CIS forces near the downed AT-TE until Master Secura arrived with reinforcements. Upon her arrival, Secura and the 501st were tasked with retrieving a power cell from a crashed LAAT/I Gunship to repair the AT-TE. Once the walker was fully operational, the 501st were ordered to destroy the CIS heavy turrets that were set up near their base camp, eventually driving the CIS out of the area. Once their orders came through to leave the planet, Master Secura came to see them off personally, a gesture which made many of them being unable to look her in the eye due to their knowledge of Order 66, with one trooper later hoping that when her death did come, it was quick.[1]
The extreme heat and pressure of an underground nuclear explosion causes changes in the surrounding rock. The rock closest to the location of the test is vaporised, forming a cavity. Farther away, there are zones of crushed, cracked, and irreversibly strained rock. Following the explosion, the rock above the cavity may collapse, forming a rubble chimney. If this chimney reaches the surface, a bowl-shaped subsidence crater may form.
The effects of an underground nuclear test may vary according to factors including the depth and yield of the explosion, as well as the nature of the surrounding rock.[25] If the test is conducted at sufficient depth, the test is said to be contained, with no venting of gases or other contaminants to the environment.[25] In contrast, if the device is buried at insufficient depth ("underburied"), then rock may be expelled by the explosion, forming a subsidence crater surrounded by ejecta, and releasing high-pressure gases to the atmosphere (the resulting crater is usually conical in profile, circular, and may range between tens to hundreds of metres in diameter and depth[26]). One figure used in determining how deeply the device should be buried is the scaled depth of burial, or -burst (SDOB)[25] This figure is calculated as the burial depth in metres divided by the cube root of the yield in kilotons. It is estimated that, in order to ensure containment, this figure should be greater than 100.[25][27]
The energy of the nuclear explosion is released in one microsecond. In the following few microseconds, the test hardware and surrounding rock are vaporised, with temperatures of several million degrees and pressures of several million atmospheres.[25] Within milliseconds, a bubble of high-pressure gas and steam is formed. The heat and expanding shock wave cause the surrounding rock to vaporise, or be melted further away, creating a melt cavity.[26] The shock-induced motion and high internal pressure cause this cavity to expand outwards, which continues over several tenths of a second until the pressure has fallen sufficiently, to a level roughly comparable with the weight of the rock above, and can no longer grow.[26] Although not observed in every explosion, four distinct zones (including the melt cavity) have been described in the surrounding rock. The crushed zone, about two times the radius of the cavity, consists of rock that has lost all of its former integrity. The cracked zone, about three times the cavity radius, consists of rock with radial and concentric fissures. Finally, the zone of irreversible strain consists of rock deformed by the pressure.[26] The following layer undergoes only an elastic deformation; the strain and subsequent release then forms a seismic wave. A few seconds later the molten rock starts collecting on the bottom of the cavity and the cavity content begins cooling. The rebound after the shock wave causes compressive forces to build up around the cavity, called a stress containment cage, sealing the cracks.[28]
Escape of radioactivity from the cavity is known as containment failure. Massive, prompt, uncontrolled releases of fission products, driven by the pressure of steam or gas, are known as venting; an example of such failure is the Baneberry test. Slow, low-pressure uncontrolled releases of radioactivity are known as seeps; these have little to no energy, are not visible and have to be detected by instruments. Late-time seeps are releases of noncondensable gases days or weeks after the blast, by diffusion through pores and crack, probably assisted by a decrease of atmospheric pressure (so called atmospheric pumping). When the test tunnel has to be accessed, controlled tunnel purging is performed; the gases are filtered, diluted by air and released to atmosphere when the winds will disperse them over sparsely populated areas. Small activity leaks resulting from operational aspects of tests are called operational releases; they may occur e.g. during drilling into the explosion location during core sampling, or during the sampling of explosion gases. The radionuclide composition differs by the type of releases; large prompt venting releases significant fraction (up to 10%) of fission products, while late-time seeps contain only the most volatile gases. Soil absorbs the reactive chemical compounds, so the only nuclides filtered through soil into the atmosphere are the noble gases, primarily krypton-85 and xenon-133.[28]
Very high filter pressure can be dangerous! Filter lids of clamshell type filters have been known to blow off when the clamp band fails under high pressure. Many pool filters operate in the range of 8-15 PSI, though they can sometimes range from 3-30 PSI. If your filter pressure has jumped unexpectedly to a higher than normal reading, or if the clean/starting pressure is higher than manufacturer recommendations, you may have internal filter problems or filter valve problems. Be sure that all pipes and valves are open after the filter, and if you see the pressure spike to 40 PSI or higher, shut off the pump immediately.
D.E. filters can lose D.E. powder into the pool (which looks like sandy dust) through small tears in the fabric, a loose filter grid assembly, cracks in the manifold, or from a missing air bleeder screen or standpipe o-ring. Cartridge filters also need to be installed properly into the tank to keep water from bypassing the cartridge and flowing around it. Again, there could be holes in the cartridge fabric. Water bypass can also be caused by an oversized pool pump, improper use of cleaning chemicals, or from aggressive cleaning with a pressure washer.
Hi Dennis, either there is a split/crack in your vacuum hose, or an air leak in front of the pump. If not the hose, check the fitting going into the pump and make sure the pump lid is very tight, with lubed o-ring. Sometimes, when a vacuum hose is connected, this causes more suction (vacuum) pressure, which causes an air leak to appear, where normally there is none. 2ff7e9595c